How Mild Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (mHBOT) worked and why it’s good for our children

Peadiatric hyperbaric oxygen therapy is a non-invasive procedure that offers the same benefits to children as adults. HBOT infuses a child’s entire body with pure, pressurised oxygen and blood carries oxygen to nourish tissues, cells, muscles, and organs. 

The oxygen works with antibiotics to kill bacteria, stimulates the release of stem cells, and supports the formation of new blood vessels, therefore accelerating healing. A child receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy benefits from rapid healing beyond the body’s natural capabilities. 

To Read the full research

How mild hyperbaric oxygen therapy works and why it is good for our children

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for children with autism spectrum disorder

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy in children with post-concussion syndrome improves cognitive and behavioural function: a randomised controlled trial

The effects of hyperbaric oxygen therapy on oxidative stress, inflammation, and symptoms in children with autism: an open-label pilot study

If you would like to see how Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy can help you, click here to make a booking now.


Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for Reduction of Secondary Brain Damage in Head Injury


Role of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy in Severe Head Injury in Children